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Hands on Dental Assistant Training, LLC (hereafter “Hands On” or the “School”) offers a dental assistant training School that only spans a few short weeks. The courses are designed to turn students into well-trained, entry-level dental Assistants. We are approved by DANB (Dental Assisting National Board). Students will receive a certificate of completion for 119 clock hours of training. Due to COVID19 the North Carolina Executive Committee has approved this program.
for the classroom portion however the clinical hours will be hands-on. The instructor will schedule the student hands on training portion of this class when needed.

Hands on Dental Assistant Training, LLC is owned and operated by Fatima Oglesby-Morris. Fatima began her career path in the Dental field as a volunteer dental assistant at St. Elizabeth Hospital in Washington DC, after working as a dental assistant in every aspect of the dental specialty. Fatima continued her education at Howard University to become a dental hygienist, which she enjoyed for 27 years. As a dental hygienist she observed that dental assistants needed more hands-on training and continuing education classes to help them become a more educated, productive and professional dental assistant . Fatima had a vision that led her to develop and create Hands on Dental Assistant Training, LLC.

Fatima is a firm believer that there is no “I” in team and that it is truly teamwork that makes the dental office work. Fatima’s vision for the public is to have access to dental treatment and to be educated about their oral health. Fatima wants dental assistants to help achieve her vision by training dental assistants to educate the public community about how to obtain optimal oral health. Fatima believes that everyone should have access to dental care. Fatima is the past third District Trustee of the American Dental Assistant’s Association and past Vice President of the Maryland Dental Hygienist’s Association.


It’s our mission to give each student the opportunity to learn the skills to become a professional educated dental assistant. We will teach students how to provide optimal oral health care to their patients and how to volunteer their skills in the community

All Disclosure Statement:

A student completing all requirements of this program will be classified as a level 1 Dental Assistant in North Carolina.

to be classified as a Dental Assistant II, an assistant shall meet one of the following criteria:

  1. completion of:

    1. an ADA-accredited dental assisting program and current certification in CPR; or

    2. one academic year or longer in an ADA-accredited dental hygiene program, and current certification in CPR; or

  2. completion of the Dental Assistant certification examination(s) administered by the Dental Assisting National Board and current certification in CPR; or

  3. completion of:

    1. a 3-hour course in sterilization and infection control;

    2. a 3-hour course in dental office emergencies; and

    3. current certification in CPR.

    4. after completing Sub-Items (3)(b), (c), and (d) of this Rule, dental assistants may be trained in any dental delivery setting and allowed to perform the functions of a Dental Assistant II under the direct control and supervision of a licensed dentist, except as listed in Sub-Item 3(e) of this Rule.

    5. dental assistants may take radiographs after completing radiology training consistent with G.S. 90-29(c)(12).

    6. full-time employment and experience as a chairside assistant for two years (3,000 hours) of the preceding five, during which period the assistant may be trained in any dental delivery setting and allowed to perform the functions of a Dental Assistant II under the    direct         control and supervision of a licensed dentist.

Disclaimer: This program is a DA 1 certificate .Nitrous Oxide, Radiology, Coronal Polishing, and Infection Control is offered for CONTINUING EDUCATION purposes to previously trained and occupationally qualified individuals. This program is licensed by the NC State Board of Community Colleges. The State Board of Community Colleges is not an accrediting agency.
Dental Assisting    North Carolina Dental Board link


Hands on Dental Assistant Training, LLC. Is located at 3306 North Elm Street Greensboro NC 27405 . We train you to become a dental assistant in the basic subject areas of dental assisting, which include using the treatment rooms, laboratory, x-ray equipment, and office area.

Classes are held in an environment that simulates a modern, state-of-the-art dental office. Each student receives all disposable Equipment and supplies needed to perform tasks. Five students work in the lab room to get hands on training using the dental Equipment. Each student has the opportunity to use the dental tools.

Instructors will utilize the following to aid students learning: fully equipped dental treatment rooms, audiovisual aids, dental lab Exercises, office including computer, photocopy machine, fax, multiple phone lines, x-ray machines, and an autoclave.


  • Fatima Oglesby-Morris, DA, RDH

  • Founder/Owner

  • Director of Admissions


  • Tonya Davis DA II, AA, BBA

  •  School Director 


  • LeFran Cole RDH         Instructor 

  • Jess Deinlein  DA ,BS    Instructor

  • Oretha Jones-Dantzler DA II     School Office Assistant 


Tution $2997 not including books and uniform 

Radiation Health and Saftey Certificate  $375 

Applicants must:

  • Be 18 years of age or older

  • Have a high school diploma (or GED)

  • A U.S. citizen or possess a work Visa that allows the student to reside and work in the United States

  • Must  present a high school transcript or a college transcript 

Applicants will be notified by phone or email of the school’s decision regarding their admission status.

Learning Outcomes

Upon successful completion of this program, students will be able to:

  • analyze and discuss major areas in the dental field and procedures performed

  • demonstrate proper set up/cleaning and sterilization procedures, along with all infection control standards for eliminating cross contamination

  • evaluate and discuss radiographs and proper techniques for utilizing radiation equipment

  • identify proper names, use and function of dental instruments and equipment used in a dental office

  • demonstrate appropriate knowledge and understanding of the dental care team’s role in the health-care industry, including quality improvement processes that may be used to monitor the dental health team’s ability to fulfill its responsibilities within a given healthcare system

  • demonstrate a thorough knowledge and understanding of the duties and responsibilities of the certified dental assistant, including standards of ethics and jurisprudence governing the dental practice

  • recognize and use pharmaceutical-medical terms, abbreviations, and symbols commonly used in the prescribing, dispensing, and charting of medications in the dental office

  • systematically collect and document diagnostic data in a dental office

  • demonstrate the ability to perform various clinical supportive skills needed in a dental office

Program Format

This program is an in-class program in which students are required to meet on campus every week for 8 weeks. These face-to-face sessions allow students to learn theory as well as have authentic “hands on” experience with their instructors and peers in a simulated dental office environment. Training is offered on 8 Saturdays for 9 hours each day (8.5 classroom hours).

The ratio for maximum student to instructor for classroom and laboratory program is 1:5. We give our students hands-on experience in all sections of dental assisting that uses the office area, laboratory, treatment rooms, x-ray equipment, and laboratory where each session is split into lab and lecture. Instructors present visual aids or PowerPoint presentations to students. During or after the sessions, questions, answers, and review are entertained. The next part of the class will be focused on mastery and practical applications in using the labs, equipment, and office treatment rooms. Students are completing homework during the week to coincide with the learning objectives for our in-class training.

Our entry level assistant program offered is customized into an 8- week program which covers professionalism, instrumentation, dental terminology, lab equipment, dental procedures, infection control, radiology, anatomy, and the dental team. Each session is divided into lecture and lab. The instructor will lecture the student and show dental assistant video slides.


A 55-hour externship will be a mandatory graduation requirement for each student. It will begin immediately after the student passes the first 2 exams. Exams are given weekly, so, by the end of week 2, the 55-hour requirement of externship must be completed by the last scheduled class. Dental office(s) contact information will be provided to the students participating in the externship. At a more preferable time for the dental office and the externship student will the schedule of extern hours are determined. The externship will provide students with the opportunity to test their abilities and skills that are expected for them to acquire on almost the first half of their instructional area of the Hands-On Dental Assistant Training curriculum.

Upon completion of the externship, the student will submit a timesheet, signed by the dental office, to Hands-On Dental Assistant Training. This is to ascertain that the extern student has completed the required hours. The dental practice will also conduct an assessment on the student’s improvement. This assessment will record the performance level of the students according to their dentists during the externship. Overall, it will be graded on a basis of pass/fail. Thus, a student’s graduation requirement is to have a passing grade for the externship.


Traditional class sessions on campus will meet on Saturdays. Please view the table below for the detailed schedule. It is the student’s responsibility to understand and keep track of the schedule and the time commitment.

Sessions Schedule
Face to Face (On campus)

  • Week 1 through Week 4 Saturday, 8:00 am-5:00 p.m. 30 min lunch 30 min break

  • Week 5 through Week 8 Saturday, 8:00 am – 5:00 pm 30 min lunch 30 min break

  • Week 1 through Week 8 Monday/Wednesday 8:00 am - 5:00pm  or Tuesday/Thursday, 5:00 pm-9:30 pm 30 min break

❖ Tuition Refund Policy:

A full refund will be issued to students who withdraw before the first day of class, or if the
school cancels the course for whatever reason. Students who begin instruction but withdraw
prior to the twenty-five percent (25%) mark of the program will receive a seventy-five (75%)

Proportion Of Total Course Refund
25% course completed if withdrawal student will receive 75% refund
50% course completed if withdrawal student will receive 50% refund
75% course completed if withdrawal student will receive 25% refund

Required Materials:


Modern Dental Assisting (12th Edition) Bird Robinson, Workbook and Instrument book.
Please visit our website at

If you cannot afford the books, there are rental options through . Books are approximately $150- $200.00 per set.


Students must come to class with either black or purple scrubs. Scrubs can be purchased at Walmart or Uniform City relatively cheaply. Approximately cost $25.00 per set. Students must also wear closed-toe shoes. No high heels are permitted. Students are not permitted to wear excessive jewelry and if they have long hair, it must be pulled back. This is for safety precautions.

The school provides each student with dental assistant name tags (“IDs”) and models of their dentition at no additional cost. If lost, replacement fee will be $5.00.


Our Dental Lectures are broken down into 8 modules DA 101- 108 Lecture and DA 101-108 Labs that are designed to relate to the daily lectures.

DA 101 Introduction to the Profession(Lec)

Dentistry as a profession and the responsibilities of the dental health team, which includes the dentist, hygienist, dental assistant, front office personnel and the back- office personnel.

DA 102 Ethical and Legal Issues(Lec)

A discussion of the ethics in dentistry and the various governmental agencies entrusted with the regulations of the dental profession to ensure and protect the public from incompetent and unethical procedures. Topics include licensure procedures and credentialing is also discussed.

DA 103 Composition of Teeth and Dental Terminology & Tissues Surrounding the teeth.(Lec)

Mastering the parts of the tooth. Topics include cervix, apex, dental pulp, tissues of the teeth such as enamel, dentin and cementum. Also, includes discussion of anatomical landmarks of the tooth and dental terminology. Tissues supporting the human teeth. Topics include the alveolar process, the periodontal ligament and the gingival (gums), which are collectively known as the periodontium Bones of the Head, Muscles of the Head and Neck, Temporomandibular Joint (TMJ) and Paranasal Sinuses. Basic anatomy and physiology of the human skull Topics include the cranium and the bones of the face. Muscles of the head and neck and the temporomandibular joint that connects the maxillary and the mandibular jaws. Topic also includes paranasal sinuses, which are the air cavities in the bones above each side of the nasal cavities.

DA 104 Dental Radiology (Lec)

Basic X-Ray techniques, emphasis on taking a full mouth series of x-rays, developing and mounting radiographs at least SEVEN (7) hours of didactic instruction in the production and use of dental x-rays. Pass written exam

 in order to begin the laboratory portion of the instruction.

DA 105 Pediatric Dentistry, Dental Materials (Lec)

Specialty limited to the dental care of children. Topics include informed consent from guardians prior to treatment, behavioral management. Material used in dentistry. Topics include cavity varnishes and liners, dental cements, surgical, periodontal dressing, glass ionomer cements, composites, pit and fissure sealants and dental amalgams.

DA 106 Oral Cavity, Salivary Glands and Immune System, Oral Pathology (Lec)

Students will gain perspective of disease and prevention as well as infection control and oral pathology, the cavity of the mouth and the salivary glands, which are located outside the oral cavity. Topics include discussion of infectious diseases that can be transmitted from the patient in a dental environment. Study of the nature of diseases that affect oral structures and regions nearby. Topics include discussions on how to distinguish normal from abnormal conditions in the oral cavity.

DA 107 Removal Prosthodontics, Fixed Prosthodontics (Lec)

Removable Prosthodontics replaces missing teeth. Topics include component parts of both the partial and complete RPD’s and the various steps necessary during replacement appointment. Complete restorations, or the replacement, of one or more teeth in a dental arch. Topics include the different types of fixed prosthodontics restorations.

DA 108 Endodontics and Root Canal Therapy (Lec)

Root Canal Therapy, Topical and Local Anesthesia, Orthodontics, Periodontics/Dental Hygienist Assistant Training
Topics include the use of the various endodontic instruments and materials. Prevention and correction of dental and oral deviations. Dealing with the prevention and treatment of periodontal diseases, which are the most common of tooth loss. Assisting the dental hygienist with periodontal charting and patient education

DA 101 Dental Operatory Equipment (Lab)

The different components of the dental operatory and dental chair. Topics include the operation of the dental chair and the various associated instruments. Each student will be asked to operate the chair and various instruments until they are completely familiar with the procedures.

The goals of infection control are discussed together with Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) requirements and standards. Students are taught and asked to use the various Personal Protective Equipment (gown mask, eyewear/face shield and examination gloves) required in the dental clinic.

DA 102 Setting up and Breaking down operatories and Infection Control(Lab)

Performed by the dental assistant prior to seating a patient in the operatory. A standard routine must be established according to the dentist and the appropriate regulatory agencies. Students are taught to follow the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) Guidelines in effective infection control. Topics include the various procedures required to be accomplished following dental treatment. Students are asked to demonstrate the correct routine for breaking down and clean-up of operatories following dental treatment.

DA 103 Suction and Sterilization (Lab)

Students will learn different methods of moisture control, emphasizing suctioning. Students will be asked to practice placement of the tip of the High- Volume Evacuator with reference to each quadrant.

Students will learn how to properly sterilize instruments, including packing instruments. Students will package and sterilize instruments via cold sterilization and the autoclave

DA 104 Radiology(Lab)

Laboratory portion of the course will be at least FOURTEEN (14) hours of instruction on a dental radiography manikin.” 

Radiography Basics and X-Ray Procedures Basic X-Ray techniques Emphasis on taking a full mouth series of x-rays, Students are taught and asked to take x-rays, developing and mounting radiographs. 

DA 105 Dental Instruments and Charting (Lab)

Topics include a study of the various dental instruments, how they are organized to the tasks they are to perform and separated onto trays.

DA 106 Professional Documentation and Note Taking(Lab)

Documenting the present dental conditions of the patient and the dental services to be rendered, this serves as a legal record of the patient. The students are taught and asked to prepare a dental chart using appropriate symbols and abbreviations.

DA 107 Dental Specialties and procedures/material (Lab)

An overview of the steps involved in the fabrication and installation of complete and partial dentures. Students are asked to practice putting tray set-ups together for each stage of removable and prosthodontic fabrication and delivery.

An overview of the preparation of a full cast, porcelain fused to metal crown or all porcelain crowns. Students learn the proper techniques for expelling impression materials. An overview of endodontics (root canal) procedures and the various materials and instruments used. Students are asked to practice identifying the materials and instruments used in the root canal procedure.

Proper use of anesthesia in the dental practice. Topics include the various types of anesthesia and the instruments and techniques used in administering them. Students are asked to practice loading the syringes, proper passing techniques and safe recapping techniques. A clinical video is shown during this session. Sealants and Bleaching techniques/restorative procedures newly erupted and caries free teeth benefit from sealants. Students learn how to apply sealants and bleaching techniques. Students will learn the procedures for amalgam and composite restorations, including instrument recognition, manipulation of materials and proper set-up.

DA 108 Periodontal Treatment Procedures and Oral Surgery Procedures (Lab)

Topics include the various steps and instruments used. Students are taught the various periodontal instrumentation and practice techniques in passing instruments. Students are taught how to set up the cavitron ultrasonic scaler/Piezo Scaler. A study of dental implants and dental extraction. Students are taught the different instruments and how they are used and passed over a patient. A clinical video of both oral surgical procedures is shown to the students during this session.

CPR 101 Cardio pulmonary Resuscitation

Students will learn CPR and life saving techniques and prevention

Externship 101

Students will complete a total of 50 hours of externship under the supervision of a Licensed Dentist. Agreements are already established at local dental offices.

Attendance Policy/Makeup Work

Students should report to class on time. Consistently lateness to class may result in a conference with the Instructor. Students are responsible for making up all missed work, including labs, homework, and projects. Missed classes and/or labs are to be made up by communicating with the instructor. Classes may be made up by (1) arranging a time with your director or instructor to make up a missed class (2) private tutoring or to make up a class is a  $100 fee. Make-up work must be completed within 1 week of missed class. It is mandatory for students to make-up any missed classes to receive their certificate. This should be arranged between the student and Instructor.

Academic Progress

A grade of 75% or high is required to successfully complete the program
Satisfactory is 75% or higher Passing (“P”) under 75% IS Unsatisfactory (“F”)

Final GPA is calculated as follows:

The Average of the 8 general quizzes = 1/3
Mid-term = 1/3 ** Lab work is graded on a Pass/Fail basis.
Final Exam = 1/3
After each quiz (total of 8) is graded the student will be advised by the instructor of attainment
of satisfactory/unsatisfactory progress in the program. The student will be given a written
“Student Progress Report”, a copy of which will be placed in the student permanent file.

Exams/Quizzes are given each class with the Final Exam given on the last scheduled day of class. If the student is not able to raise the grade point average above 75% after taking the 4th quiz in sequence, s/he will be requested to withdraw.

Students are strongly encouraged to take quizzes as scheduled. However, in the event that aquiz is missed, the student is required to notify the instructor BEFORE the quiz and give the reason for the absence. A makeup quiz may be scheduled at the discretion of the instructor.

The make-up quiz must be taken within one week after the original examination. Students are responsible for contacting the Instructor when a quiz is missed to reschedule. The final examination must be taken on the specified date. However, we understand emergencies do occur. In order to make up the Final Exam, students must have documentation
on the emergency (i.e. – Doctor’s Note) and will be permitted to make it up. It is the student’s
responsibility to obtain all missed material and make-up any missed daily (lab) work.

If a student fails a unit quiz, he/she is expected to make an appointment within one week after the quiz was given with the course instructor. At that time, the student will review the Re-admission

The student may re-enroll or re-enter at another time if arrangements have been made with the school director at the time the student leaves. Re-admission is given when there is a vacancy in the class and room for admittance. Re-admission will mean filling out a new enrollment agreement and beginning all over again. Tuition charges will apply.

Readmission due to Leave of Absence

We recognize that emergencies occur. However, because the program is eight weeks, there is no leave of absence. If a student cannot complete the program, they may be able to re-enroll at a later date. Tuition fees would apply.


All class assignments and homework assignments are graded according to the following grading scale:

Excellent 94% – 100%
Good 84% – 93%
Fair 75% – 83%
Poor 0% -74%

All lab work assignments are graded on a Pass/Fail (“P” or “F”) basis.

Students must obtain a minimum average grade of 75% and pass (“P”) all lab assignments in order to satisfactorily complete the training program. Examination and, with the assistance of the instructor, identify strategies to improve examination performance.

Exams will be given on scheduled dates (refer to course calendar). Dates are subject to change
upon instructor’s discretion.


Students will receive a Certificate of Achievement upon satisfactory completion of all assignments – classwork and homework, projects, and quizzes. In order to graduate, students must:

  • Complete all homework and class assignments with a cumulative average of 75% or higher

  • Complete all lab assignments with a grade of Pass “P”

  • Complete the 55-clock hour externship with a Pass “P”.

  • Have a minimum of 90% attendance

  • Pay all tuition and fees in full


Student records are maintained permanently by the school in a fireproof safe. Computer records are electronically backed up regularly. All records are maintained with the same security and confidence as patients’ dental records. A set of records is maintained on the school campus.

Students have the right to inspect their records and are entitled to a copy if there are no outstanding obligations. Students must submit a request in writing to in order to receive a copy of their records and pay a $15 transcript fee.

Changes Made by School

If the school cancels or changes a program of study or location in such a way that the student who has started is unable to complete training, arrangements will be made in a timely manner to accommodate the needs of each student enrolled in the program who is affected by the cancellation or change. If the school is unable to make alternative arrangements that are satisfactory to both parties, the school will refund all money paid by the student less the $100 registration fee.

Drug/Alcohol/Smoking Policy

Hands -On Dental Assistant Training, LLC. has a zero-tolerance policy for alcohol and drugs on campus. No student shall come to class intoxicated or under the influence of any illegal substances.

Hands- On Dental Assistant Training, LLC. is committed to maintaining a comfortable and safe environment in which our employees can work, and our students can pursue their academic objectives. We are committed to helping promote and encourage healthy lifestyles for our students.

If an instructor suspects a student is using drugs and/or alcohol the student will be dismissed and removed from the school. There is no smoking allowed within any place in the dental office or training rooms. Smokers may smoke outside during a break.

Drug Sexual harassment

Sexual harassment includes unwelcome sexual advances or offensive comments, gestures, or physical contact of a sexual nature between and/or among students and/or staff. Sexual harassment or harassment because of age, race, color, religion, national origin, or disability, will not be tolerated.

Student Services


We value our students and want to make sure they are always in a safe learning environment. The parking lot is small but lit up. Always make sure you leave together and stay alert. In the event of an emergency or that you suspect something suspicious, please call 911.

Academic Support

Any student who feels like s/he needs extra help should contact Tonya Davis at or, and
an appointment will be scheduled.


We use state of the art dental equipment in the School. Conventional radiology equipment, dental chairs, dental tools, and dental materials use to teach students how to mix dental cements and how to preform dental impressions of teeth.

Job Placement

Although we cannot guarantee 100% job placement upon successful completion of the program, we can confidently state that there is a job market for dental assistants. We offer resume building services to our students and mock interviews so they are well prepared for a dental career.


A restroom and break room (with a microwave and refrigerator) are available.

Student Rights and Responsibilities

Students have the right to view their grades at any given time as well as their records. Students will receive a student ID when registering. They are required to wear that ID with their scrubs to all classes and their externship. There is a $10.00 replacement fee for lost or stolen IDs. It is the responsibility of the student to communicate with the Instructor or Director if s/he is experiencing difficulty with the aspects of the program.

Code of Conduct

At Hands – On Dental Assistant Training, LLC., we believe that students and staff should always conduct themselves in a professional manner. This means coming to class with required materials, wearing scrubs, having one’s hair pulled back (if applicable), and refraining from being under the influence of alcohol and/or illegal drugs while in the learning environment. Students are expected to purchase their scrubs and wear their scrubs during each class session. Student s are expected to wear gloves, masks, and protective glasses that are provided for all sessions.

The administration of the school will have the right to terminate students under the following circumstances:

  • Not complying with rules and regulations

  • Unprofessional conduct.

  • Unsatisfactory academic progress

  • Excessive absence or lateness

  • Failure to pay fees when due

  • Cheating

  • Sexual harassment

  • Breach of enrollment agreement

  • Falsifying records

  • Carrying a concealed or potentially dangerous weapon

  • Any kind of harassments such as discrimination and intimidation

  • Entering school site while under the influence of alcohol, drugs, or narcotics of any kind.


At Hands on Dental Assistant Training, LLC., we believe that student and staff should always conduct themselves in a professional manner. This means coming to class with their materials, wearing scrubs, hair pulled back if applicable and avoiding the use of alcohol and/or illegal drugs in the learning environment. If a student violates any of this, they will receive a warning, up to 2. After that, they may be put on a week’s probation and/or terminated from the program. It is up to the discretion of the Director.


Any conflict or disagreements should be directly addressed by the students with the person involved along the written document which records the communication and complaint. However, if there is no satisfactory resolution met, the student will have the right to see the school director by setting an appointment. The complaint and communication records are required to be compiled in writing and documented in the student file. To arrive at a satisfactory resolution, every attempt of concession will be made. If, with such efforts of institution intervention, the complaint can’t still be resolved or the student still believes that the issue has not yet been satisfactorily resolved, then he/she may contact:


We care about our students and want to ensure they are getting the highest quality education. In order to make sure of this, students are asked to fill out a course evaluation at the end of their course to get feedback and to make sure they feel they are getting the education they deserve. The evaluations are anonymous and taken very seriously. We make sure our Instructors attend continuing education classes frequently to stay up to date in the Dental Health care field and in education.

Office of Proprietary Schools
200 West Jones Street
Raleigh, NC 27603

Learn more about the The NC State Board of Dental Examination

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©2023 by  MCAP  For Hands On Dental Assistant Training.

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